
Nice Photo Book photos

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Some cool photo book images:

Guitar Case with Stickers
photo book
Image by ex_magician
The other side of the case. About ten years ago I emailed whomever I could find on-line and asked for stickers for my guitar case. Here is the result. Now some of them are peeling off. Anybody who sent me a sticker got on the case so there is a wide variety of bands and some causes here.

The case is from a Valley Arts stratocaster that I sold several years ago and is now used for a G&L Legacy Special (strat). Also, our old cat Elsa (dead for many years now - R.I.P.) must not have liked this guitar case.When I first brought home the Valley Arts strat she expressed her opinion by climbing into the case and vomiting in it! I thought that was sort of a cool act of defiance so I just wiped it out a bit and let it dry - so now this case not only has cool stickers everywhere but has that rarely experienced petrified cat vomit ambiance.




Blurb book - "Medieval - Tudor Re-enactment" - Travel through time
photo book
Image by Kotomi_
