
86 bouteilles

Large Rectangle

Some cool stock photo images:

86 bouteilles
stock photo
Image by Erminig Gwenn
Le cliché est le même que pour la photo "256 bouteilles", mais avec une rotation pour créer qq chose de plus dynamique.... En principe, les planches sont horizontales...

Je préfère cette compo, même si un peu artificielle car obtenue en poste-traitement. Et vous ?

Explore 15 janvier 2013

Dry Riverbed
stock photo
Image by Matt and Kim Rudge
Evidence of the severity of the drought in Kenya - this was marked on our map as a river.

He deserved that length, didn't he?
stock photo
Image by UrvishJ
This is a famous (unreal and rather juvenile looking) textbook photo of Chandrashekhar 'Azaad', for those who don't know him, google search is at ur service as this flickr thing doesn't provide me 100 pages to narrate, for those who know him, needless to mention anything. Ture icon of bravery, comparatively less famous (not off late, thanx to RDB) to other freedom fighters; it was so pleasing to see his photo on the 'kaccha' wall of the principal's cabin in a secondary school of a village!
If at all, mustaches can be considered a sign of True Male XY attitude, he certainly deserves this length!
