
Nice Photo Creator photos

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Check out these photo creator images:

B.C.A. 1911 No.s 1 to 7 and 11 to 14 on plan
photo creator
Image by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Creator: Alexander R. Hogg for Belfast Corporation

Date: 11th February 1915

Description: B.C.A. 1911 No.s 1 to 7 and 11 to 14 on plan. Streets in photo: Great Edward Street. Premises in photo: The City Bakers and Dairy Works, H. McNamara Spirit Merchants.

PRONI Ref: LA/7/8/HF/4/193

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Stanley Street Area: Grosvenor Road
photo creator
Image by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Creator: Alexander R. Hogg for Belfast Corporation

Date: 13th May 1912

Description: Stanley Street Area: Grosvenor Road No.s 4, 20A & 5 on plan. South end corner of yard to Conlon Street. Streets in photo: Grosvenor Road, Stanley Street, Cowan's Court. Premises in photo: William Moore.

PRONI Ref: LA/7/8/HF/3/58

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Hamill Street Area: College Street West
photo creator
Image by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Creator: Alexander R. Hogg for Belfast Corporation

Date: 30th May 1912

Description: Hamill Street Area: College Street West right to left No.s 294 to 300 on plan & No.s 290 to 294 Emma Court. Streets in photo: College Street West, Emma Court, Anne Court, Hamill Street.

PRONI Ref: LA/7/8/HF/3/64

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Email: proni@dcalni.gov.uk

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