
Cool Photo Bucket images

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Some cool photo bucket images:

Masayoshi Son
photo bucket
Image by Danny Choo
I left at about half past midnight but the rest of the folks had some Katsu sandwich bento handed out by the Softbank staff.
The full article that includes this photo lives at www.dannychoo.com/adp/eng/1722/
You may also want to check out www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/collections/ for similar photos

この写真の含んだ記事は www.dannychoo.com/adp/jpn/1722/ にあります。
コレクションは www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/collections/ にあるよ。

Masayoshi Son
photo bucket
Image by Danny Choo
Its about 22:15 and the festivities are about to begin. I head to the front to check out the hall. The place is filled with media folks and those who want to get their iPhone at 7am - Softbank arranged for this hall to let folks stay in until the morning.
The full article that includes this photo lives at www.dannychoo.com/adp/eng/1722/
You may also want to check out www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/collections/ for similar photos

この写真の含んだ記事は www.dannychoo.com/adp/jpn/1722/ にあります。
コレクションは www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/collections/ にあるよ。
