
Cool Flash Photo images

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A few nice flash photo images I found:

Infinite Flash
flash photo
Image by JD Hancock
A 3 3/4 inch Flash figure from the DC Universe Infinite Heroes series.

Learn more about this image at the source.

Source: photos.jdhancock.com/photo/2012-04-04-070236-infinite-fla...

Flash shoot-out
flash photo
Image by kopretinka
Taken quite simultaneously with this one.

As described in the comments, I shot first! 8-)

Apparently, the flash is synchronized with the shutter opening so there was plenty of time between my quick flash and the shutter closing to capture my opponent's belated shot.

flash photo
Image by brian glanz
Flash?! (You might remember a different Flash.) Alas, this was in Manhattan so it's Mercury, Roman god of trade, profit, and commerce. This was at the edge of my zoom on the Tiffany clock atop Grand Central.
