
Cool Fun With Photos images

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Some cool fun with photos images:

Hide the family photo album
fun with photos
Image by theirhistory
Most school photos in family albums seem to be there to make fun of you.
If you are lucky the odd one can vanish, but a few parents stick them down so firmly that they will never come out.
Your photo day is going to be there forever.
One boy thinks he is hidden enough, not to show his shame of the red wellingtons he had to wear to school.
Hiding in the second row did not work, by the grin, he thinks he's got away with it.
No luck, the photo is the proof.
Next time don't damage your black wellies.

Sisters in the Children's Home did not always have to use physical punishment if you were naughty, the older Sisters had perfected many ways of humiliating a child, this worked far better than any spanking. If you were made to feel different to your friend you would soon know to improve your ways.
A smack was over in seconds and often forgotten within an hour, a non physical punishment could last days or even weeks. You knew that you had been punished.
If you damaged your wellingtons and were a boy, one of the punishments was to be made to wear red wellies, until the Sister thought you had learn't you lesson, it was alright in the grounds of the Home, but turning up at our junior school and you would get teased.
My room mate who was nine and myself had this punishment as well for a short while, after a few naughty words had been burnt with a magnifier on the sides of his original black wellingtons (by me). He burnt the naughty words on my boots on the sole, so they were not at first spotted by the Sister in charge.
We tried every excuse not to wear our red wellingtons to school, Sister saw through every one, the punishment only lasted about a week of term time and all of the summer holidays, but it made us take care of our boots from then on.
I had that punishment as well for using my foot as a brake when cycling.
