
Cool Photo Lab images

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Check out these photo lab images:

photo lab
Image by NTNU Engineering Science and Technology
Ocean Basin Lab (or Havbasseng, www.ntnu.edu/imt/ocean-basin-laboratory ) at NTNU´s Marine Technology Center.
(Photo: Christine Sætre)

Labeled Lab Mix
photo lab
Image by Bettie Page Styled
Lucky to be labeled a "Lab Mix" and not the pit bull terrier mix that it most likely is, this chocolate mixed bred male has a chance at being adopted to the public. Calling him a "pit bull mix" means death in three holding days unless claimed by owner. Killing dogs due to breed is a ridiculous policy, especially when so many breeds/mixes are mislabeled by this staff.
CONTACT THE SHELTER AT countypets.com with complaints about their breed killing policy.
