
Marin 365| Day 19 Images; Apple Rainbow Plane, by 7 year old

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Marin 365| Day 19 Images; Apple Rainbow Plane, by 7 year old
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Image by cproppe
Morning started with my son building a "Rainbow Apple Airplane" on Lego Digital Designer... The green decorations are apples, with leaves. This was made using a free computer software program you can download from Lego.com. He designed this from scratch. Some people just have engineering brains... I could never make this out of Legos, even though I am an artist. I have a hard time drawing from memory, but I am better at copying what I see. I'm always amazed by people who can draw or create from scratch, with out a model.

Very rainy morning.. puddles, ball caught in a storm drain, drove by my favorite old colorful garage, and then the sun came out for about 5 minutes between storms and I snapped a shot of the clouds. Now, back to work...

Update: Cheating my 365 Project... I am adding this to the 365 Gallery as "Day 20" for now... I may have a chance to take a photo later today, but this is a really busy, stormy Wednesday.

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free photo software
Image by vm2827
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various . . .
free photo software
Image by vm2827
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