
Nice Image Shack photos

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A few nice image shack images I found:

Black woman and child standing on the porch of a wooden shack
image shack
Image by Kheel Center, Cornell University
Title: Black woman and child standing on the porch of a wooden shack

Date: 1937

Photographer: Louise Boyle

Photo ID: 5859pb2f28ccc800g

Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982

Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel


Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.

Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,African Americans, Housing, Living Conditions, Farm Workers,

next but one to the blue shack
image shack
Image by grepnold
The building but one from the still-unguessed blue shack and phone box I posted to the GWL pool a few images back.

What's in the middle between them?

Qerna by Night
image shack
Image by anataman
Black and white image of shack and post, single light.
