
Nice Photo To Poster photos

Large Rectangle

Some cool photo to poster images:

Poster: Sustainability
photo to poster
Image by peatbogyeri
Poster series designed by Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, then student Marcello Garofalo (Ai Charleston), and myself.

This series was designed as part of a collaborative community art project focusing on active individual involvement with environmental concerns in Charleston, SC. The posters were used to help viewers interact with Bryant Holsenbeck's Mandala installation at the College of Charleston Addlestone Library on Friday, October 22, 2010. Each poster contains a QR code linking to further environmental resources on participants' own websites, accessible by code reader apps on viewers' phones and mobile devices.

It was a fun collaboration. Jolanda was a big part of creating and coordinating all these interconnected events.

photo to poster
Image by irrezolut
I have taken about 6 other pictures today, in an effort to capture the day. And get this: the other ones were BORING. Yeah, so that says a lot about a photo of a poster in a frame with no glass and an uneven border.

But if I just keep telling myself: "Don't Panic", over and over and over and over and over again, then it'll be funnier when I panic.

But it's only improbable.

(Also, totally not choosing this because of the whole France thing. It's allowed to be about more than two things, dammit.)

ALSO ALSO: I like this frame. It's super old. It was in my gran's house.
