
Nice Photo Gifts photos

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Wooden Crown Magnets for 3rd Grade Gifts ~ 2 of 2 photos
photo gifts
Image by Urban Woodswalker
My step sister, a teacher, always wants to give the kids a special gift at the end of the school year. These started as those 25 cent bare wood cutouts one finds at the big craft stores.

Utilizing metallic acrylic paint, glitter glue, a glue stick, sequins, and school photos, I was able to create 28 awesome large magnet keepsakes.

This would also be a great project to actually do with students in the classroom.

Or have premade up and sell at craft fairs or fundraisers....the buyer takes them home and glues on their own child's photo.

Oooh~~~ a birthday party craft...this would be extremely fun and inexpensive for the kids. You could have containers of beads, macaroni or plastic letters to glue on names with gel glue, puffy paints, glitter, etc.

I can also see these created into little magnetized locker mirrors....for the older teens. Perhaps with some colorful mosaics.
