
Nice Photo Gift photos

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Check out these photo gift images:

Cardboard Tube Ornament Gift Holders ~ 1 of 9 photos
photo gift
Image by Urban Woodswalker
Imagination: Cardboard toilet paper tubes, scraps of ribbons, tissue, and odd pieces of left over gift wrap, or newspaper comics create wonderful one of a kind handmade hanging ornaments that also contain holiday gifts like jewelry or gift cards.

Note, the red clothespin is merely holding the unfilled gift "box" up . I have yet to put the gift inside.

Cardboard Tube Ornament Gift Holders ~ 6 of 9 photos
photo gift
Image by Urban Woodswalker
Imagination: Cardboard toilet paper tubes, scraps of ribbons, tissue, and odd pieces of left over gift wrap, or newspaper comics create wonderful one of a kind handmade hanging ornaments that also contain holiday gifts like jewelry or gift cards.

what makes these so wonderful is NO cost, fast to make, easy to make a lot of varieties (I get bored easily), alilbity to use whatever is lying around the house, AND best of all, the package can be reclosed and used as an ornament or gift package forever! Now that is creative reUSE and reCYCLING...yes?

I did not have glitter pens at home, or my glittery pipe cleaners, but when I go to my studio...I will dig those out. I have only just begun.
