
Cool Baby Picture images

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Check out these baby picture images:

Baby mouflon
baby picture
Image by Tambako the Jaguar
This one was cute, so I thought I would share this picture with you.

Taken at the zoo of Basel.

Baby Birds
baby picture
Image by visodd
Outside my front door, on top of the porch light, there is a bird nest. Every year, the birds make a nest there, which I assume is because it is covered and protected for the most part. That, and it’s sort of hidden from other birds, which I assume can’t hurt. I took one picture last year, and it sucked. I planned to grab one this year, and until last night, I just didn’t do it. Well, around 10pm last night, I decided to try.

There were taken with the 30D, EF-S 10-22, and a dedicated flash, which was bounced above me. The photos aren’t great, but I like them, so I thought I would share…
