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Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
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Image by Fibonacci Blue
Minneapolis, Minnesota

January 25, 2011

There were protests in cities around the world on January 25 in solidarity with peace activists who have been raided and subpoenaed by the FBI. This protest was sponsored by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. One of their main complaints are federal grand jury subpoenas issued to Twin Cities and Chicago activists that they consider fishing expeditions for information. The FBI searched homes and offices last fall, property was seized, but no one has been charged with a crime at this time. It was recently revealed that someone from the FBI spent two years undercover in the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, a group of local peace activists.

2011-01-25 This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
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Image by Fibonacci Blue
Minneapolis, Minnesota

January 25, 2011

There were protests in cities around the world on January 25 in solidarity with peace activists who have been raided and subpoenaed by the FBI. This protest was sponsored by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. One of their main complaints are federal grand jury subpoenas issued to Twin Cities and Chicago activists that they consider fishing expeditions for information. The FBI searched homes and offices last fall, property was seized, but no one has been charged with a crime at this time. It was recently revealed that someone from the FBI spent two years undercover in the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, a group of local peace activists.

2011-01-25 This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Protest against the FBI outside the federal court building in Minneapolis
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Image by Fibonacci Blue
Minneapolis, Minnesota

January 25, 2011

There were protests in cities around the world on January 25 in solidarity with peace activists who have been raided and subpoenaed by the FBI. This protest was sponsored by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. One of their main complaints are federal grand jury subpoenas issued to Twin Cities and Chicago activists that they consider fishing expeditions for information. The FBI searched homes and offices last fall, property was seized, but no one has been charged with a crime at this time. It was recently revealed that someone from the FBI spent two years undercover in the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, a group of local peace activists.

2011-01-25 This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
