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Some cool baby picture images:

baby picture
Image by Djuliet
i had framed a perfect standing baby picture, when my small model grabbed his foot, before realising, a little too late, that he wasn't able to stand on one foot yet...

baby isaac triptych
baby picture
Image by icahla
Spent Saturday with some friends and their new son Isaac. Isaac is 10weeks old and already a lot of fun. We spent most of the afternoon taking pictures...he even missed his nap, poor little guy. This was a fun series...we placed his blaket on the grass and set him down before we realized how uneven the ground was...I got these few shots before he lost his balance and rolled over...the last one is in mid-roll

bigger baby

Baby Bird
baby picture
Image by Kelly Finnamore
Not quite sure what kind of bird this is, but it was on my porch and decided to take a picture. This was the first time he/she left the nest in our back yard.
