
Cool Digital Picture Frame images

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Check out these digital picture frame images:

1 of 3 1942 Dredging in Morro Bay (circa 1942 photographer is unknown)
digital picture frame
Image by mikebaird
1 of 3 1942 Dredging in Morro Bay CA. (circa 1942 photographer is unknown) Charlene Odekirk, Rosemary Olszewski asked me to take a photo of present-day 2009 Morro Bay dredging operations from the same perspective as the 1942 dredging photo she showed to me. It was suggested (by Rouvaishyana?) that the two images might be hung together in the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History for visitor interest. I have included a couple of candidate photos, as the current dredging setup barely shows in the image taken from the same point as the machinery is located further out at the Rock and is tiny in the image. I have posted the present-day image candidates at the set at www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/sets/72157622715084937/ (I have also included some iPhone shots of the 1942 image just for perspective - they are NOT of reproduction quality). You can download the full-resolution versions of the photos in this set (you may need to login, and select "all sizes") and print it, or click "order prints" and it can be fulfilled online. I turned my printer off over two year ago and now outsource all my limited printing needs to mpix.com or the like. I wanted to suggest that to really demonstrate the changes over time, that the new image(s) not be a print, but simply a photo, or better, a video, displayed in one of those inexpensive LCD digital picture frames that PJ used to promote my Click-Click product in 2008. Anyway, I can't resist pushing people's technical buttons. I have repeatedly suggested that museum displays that are visual only and not consist of palpable or 3-dimensional objects, be rendered via HD programmable LCD displays (a suggestion for the museum improvements committee?). Imagine, exhibits that never fade and can be incrementally improved at no cost! Best! Mike Baird Mike Baird mike [at} mikebaird d o t com flickr.bairdphotos.com

3/14/2012 Copied here are notes from a "Mindwalk" lecture sponsored by the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History, on Commercial Fisheries, that was held March 5, 2012. Thanks to Gwen Infante, Docent Administrative Assistant, for typing up these notes and making them available for everyone.
Morro Bay Commercial Fisheries – Past & Present
Mind Walk Lecture Series, Inn at Morro Bay
March 5, 2012

Rick Algert, former Morro Bay Harbor Director, Presenter

1929 – A dairy town, 2005 – a fishing village

Early Native American middens show evidence of up to 50% sardine & anchovy fishing, 20% surfperch, just considering finfish remains.

1890’s rock quarrying at Morro rock. 1891 – rocks for Pt. Harford. Large-scale commercial fisheries, first in San Francisco then in Los Angeles later in Morro Bay.
East face of the rock was blown off - first attempt in 1891-92 was a dud - involved drilling into base of rock but without much knowledge or engineering.
Early 1900’s – coastal commerce very challenging when Rock was an island. Waves entered Morro Bay from north and south, causing turbulent conditions.
1870’s – A. B. Spooner, the bar pilot, was capsized and drowned.
Early facilities, 1925-29 – wharfs, rail trestle, T piers. Saltwater plunge pool was closed due to poor maintenance by 1930
1930’s – first commercial fisheries for finfish, abalone, oyster mariculture
1930’s, waterfront development from Morro Rock to Tidelands Park. South Jetty-bridge from foot of Beach St. to the Sandspit
1933 – movement to open Morro Bay channel for rowboats
WW II preparedness, Works Progress Administration filled North harbor causeway, built revetment in mid 1930s.
1941 – Japanese submarine sank tanker Montebello off Cayucos, probably also shelled Santa Barbara coastal area.
1942 – proposal to build a submarine base in Morro Bay. Corp of Engineers determined MB not a suitable location
Amphibious training base was put in. Dredge spoils used as fill material. Navy base was built on the Embarcadero.
1961 – Brebes House, 1 smokestack.
1964 – Morro Bay Incorporated

Barbara Stickel, Maritime Historian, 2nd presenter

Abalone landings 1944-1974. Steep decline in 1970’s after peak in 1960s.
Sharks caught for oil. Albacore, rockfish & lingcod
1940-1950’s All other fish (excluding sardines and mackerel) salmon, white sea bass. The Giannini, Cefalu, Ennis, Pierce and Larsen families were the active fishing families. There are Bickford photos of abundant abalone landings.
1950’s - crab fishing began.
1951 – Monterey sardine fishery collapsed
1952 – Dept of Fish & Game found pink shrimp
Lawrence Thomas caught shrimp, opened the Shell Shop, still open today.
Morro Bay north T-pier leased to Monterey cannery. 25-30 sardine seiners in Morro Bay, 100 in Avala. Imagine Beach St. with trucks full of unrefrigerated sardines – ice plant was in Atascadero.
Newport Beach cancelled fishing leases. Harlan Larsen (son of Alex) came to Morro Bay when that happened
1960’s – many new houses, many boats, 1964 tsunami from Alaska earthquake damaged the waterfront.
1970’s – Asian driftnet fishing for squid. Albacore damaged by driftnets. Some local albacore fishermen went as far away as Midway Islands and New Zealand to fish.

ECONOMICS OF FISHING – Henry Pontarelli, 3rd presenter
Billion US, 0 Million CA industry annually
1989-2008 US has become a net seafood importer.
Landings: ex-vessel value = EVV
1990 to present, 160-105 fishing boats working out of Morro Bay. This represents jobs for boat captains, deckhands, dock workers, fish processors, truck drivers, and more.
2003 – last large albacore landings in our area.
Crab – capricious fishery – no definition given but implies that it is unstable.
There is a pattern of limits to trawl & driftnet fisheries
1990 to present, price/lb. has doubled. Live-fish, hagfish, swordfish
CCSGA = Central Coast Sustainable Groundfish Assoc.
US, esp. CA fishery is among the most regulated & compliant fisheries in the world
Morro Bay Community Quota Fund. Strategic plan 2012-2015, foreign vessels must stay outside the 200 mile limit. State limit is 3 miles. There is less enforcement the father one ventures from shore. The goal of the Quota Fund is to set quotas that can be bought, sold, and traded for the Morro Bay/SLO coastal area so that fishery landings will be sustainable over the long-term.

brooklyn mobile v2, public information appliance
digital picture frame
Image by Inha Leex Hale
montage -geometry 400x300

all the individual movies: youtube.com/brooklynmobile
a compilation movie and introduction to the project: blip.tv/file/3376250

theoretical: broadcasterproject.wordpress.com/about
