
Background FR 0437 052

Large Rectangle

Check out these photo background images:

Background FR 0437 052
photo background
Image by Lucy Nieto
1024 x 768 pix
Background for wallpaper, powerpoint slide, etc.
Fondo para pantalla, para transparencia de PowerPoint, etc.
Más/More backgrounds:Backgrounds II y Backgrounds I.
Colección: Experimentos

Background Removal with the Kinect
photo background
Image by atduskgreg
Using the Kinect and OpenNI's user-tracking and RGB to depth alignment to remove the background from a live image. Here I replaced it with a photo I took from the top of the Empire State Building.

Imagine if the camera image of me was DSLR quality (which is totally possible right now via external camera alignment), the matte edges were cleaned up with a little bit of blur, and the lighting matched.

Code here:


The Old Library ~Premade Background
photo background
Image by rubyblossom.
~~~~~~***Please, feel free to use my Textures, Backgrounds, Stock, etc., in your Artwork.
If you do use them, I would love it if you would please post your work in my group, Ruby's Treasures.

...Please DO NOT redistribute as your own...

To see all my Premade Backgrounds please visit Here

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